User experience is … facilitating remote sessions

Facilitating by shifting the focus to the majority being on a call and not in the room.

In my first story ‘User Experience is …’ I promised that …

"over the course of a few stories, I’ll try and cover a few of the sciences we draw upon in our art as a creative community to create engaging experiences."

And in a previous story I talked around the similar field of how User Experience is … Psychology. But this time out I’m zoning in on one specific psychology theory of Gestalt and how we can use it when designing to improve the User Experience.

illustration show 2 people working across 2 timezones connecting via a high five

Working remotely, it’s working just in a different way

Now I’m adding my experience of working remote teams and facilitating remote session at this time, to help everyone get into a new ‘normal’. Helping everyone establish and get comfortable with a new way of working and a new way of doing things, so that this becomes the new normal.

So normally working from home is for the odd day and you might be only one of the people on a call not in the same room, but how do you facilitate meetings when most people are on the phone and not in the same room?

I’ve had the good fortune to work with some amazing teams across the world, from San Francisco, through Philadelphia, London, Paris, Amsterdam, then onto Bangalore, Chennai, Sri Lanka and all the way through to Auckland. All have taken something different to work with teams in these different locations, but equally all have also had similar approaches.

On top of normal facilitating techniques and approaches, heres what I’ve learned along the way.

User Experience is … facilitating
Facilitation can be one of the strongest tools we have in our toolbox to influence and lead design, but what does this take?

Think about the type of session you want to have:

Remote etiquette

Depending on the session you want, will depend on the approach that you take. But broadly here are some principals to think about in all cases:

Smaller meetings

Illustration showing a few people remotely connecting over a video call

Illustration showing a few people remotely connecting over a video call

Facilitating a meeting with a small number of people

Bigger meetings or workshops

Illustration showing large number of people remotely connecting in different groups over different locations on a video call

Facilitating a meeting across multiple groups in different locations

Some tools to consider for your team

Some good habits to consider in your team

Illustration of someone being very zen while working from home

Making peace with a new way of working and making the most of the opportunity

Next time out I’m going to be looking at what it takes to become a (design) leader. Spoiler alert, it’s not all in the title!

Originally written as part of the ‘User Experience is …’ series for UX Collective.